~ Australian Pomegranate Association Inc. ~

This is the temporary web home of the Australian Pomegranate Association Inc. – Hosted by Wakefield Valley Vineyard.

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The Australian Pomegranate Association Inc. was recently incorporated in South Australia, with the purposes —

(a) To serve as a national body that represents, protects, helps to advance and speak on behalf of pomegranate producers and the pomegranate industry;

(b) To promote the production, marketing and consumption of Australian pomegranates;

(c) To facilitate the development of a strong and profitable pomegranate industry Australia-wide, which has an export earning potential through action and representation to secure benefits calculated to promote the interest of pomegranate producers and the industry at both federal and state levels;

(d) To advance and protect the interest of pomegranate producers by seeking and disseminating information on matters of  interest, concern or assistance to pomegranate producers, and the Australian pomegranate industry;

(e) To engage in activities which will promote, aid and support the production of high quality pomegranates including the quality control of planting stock used in Australia, sound cultivation practices, the establishment of quality standards for the  production and grading of pomegranates, research into quality control, and the marketing of pomegranates;

(f) To seek and facilitate expert assistance and funding from government departments, statutory authorities, research  organizations and other bodies, organizations or individuals to facilitate research into all aspects of pomegranate production,  the establishment of industry standards, investigation of markets and marketing arrangements, to develop and strengthen  the Australian pomegranate industry;

(g) To collect membership fees and to use those funds for the promotion of the objectives of the Association;

(h) To collect research levies to subsidize research into all aspects of pomegranate production, quality control and marketing designed to assist pomegranate producers and the industry;

(i) To co-operate with other organizations, associations or bodies whose objectives will promote the interests of the Australian pomegranate industry.


Membership application:

Download APA Application form

A $25 joining fee (but no annual subscription for the current financial year) is payable on successful application for Ordinary and Corporate membership.

The first Annual General Meeting is likely to be held in Adelaide in April 2018.

Rules of association Australian Pomegranate Association Inc.


Pomegranate News and Events



Below are contact details of Wakefield Valley Vineyard.